Delta Chat

OpenPGPSummit 10/21/18, Bruxelles

holger krekel,

Chat Over Email

Delta privacy

Impl status

developments partly funded by OpenTechFund and by the European Commission (NEXTLEAP).

DeltaChat C lib

OpenPGP Encryption



A cuban user :)

I'm going to confess my love for the application. It is really amazing, it has made me communicate more with my friends, because writing emails is really annoying for me, I prefer chat, the world prefers chat, that's why I am eternally grateful ...

A german user :)

ich freue mich riesig, dass es DeltaChat gibt und dass ich es entdeckt habe. (...) Delta ist DIE Lösung für alle, die bereits sind, wenigstens eine Alternative zuzulassen - Email geht immer! :)

comment after user-testing

Oh, i didn't know you can use PGP without first listening to an hour of explanations!


Delta-XI: Decentralization Unchained

one-week hackathon and user-testing sessions starting sunday Oct28 in Kyiv, Ukraine

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